NOTE (click to show)

This is a personal list of resources I've hand-picked. This is why it could look small at first, because I check every resource myself. It will be updated sometimes, and I am open for recommendations. Direct link additions are for possible print, PNG or PDF versions.

Table of Content

Humanitarian AID

About UN

Do not donate to the UN organizations like the International Committee of the Red Cross. They are useless. They were not in Mariupol during its siege. They abandoned Ukrainian POWs to their fate. They are bureaucrats and just waste money on themselves.

World Central Kitchen
... provides meals in response to humanitarian, climate, community crises and wars.
Direct link:

Supplies for Defenders

Come Back Alive
... supports the Armed Forces of Ukraine by financing defense initiatives.
Direct link:
Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation
... is focused on strengthening the Defence Forces of Ukraine and providing assistance to the civilians affected by russian aggression.
Direct link:


... help the wounded on the battlefield, evacuate them to hospitals, assist in their rehabilitation, and deliver the dead to their burial sites in the countryside. Read more about them here.
Direct link:

Ukrainian Women

Veteranka - The Women Veterans Movement
... creating Remembrance Alley of women victims of the russian-Ukrainian war, creating of conditions for successful adaptation and resocialization of women veterans through educational programs.
Direct link:
Mash Zhinok - Women's March
... provides all kinds of support to women from marginalized groups who are the most vulnerable during the war in Ukraine: women with children, women with disabilities, elderly women, and others.
Direct link:


... is providing psychological and legal support; providing medicines, hormones, food; helps with relocation; has 2 safe houses (shelters) for permanent stay.
Direct link:
Tochka Opory
... helps Ukrainian companies build comprehensive psychological support for their teams during the war; they present educational and career opportunities, as well as friendly consultation with a career counselor; they advocate for registered partnerships; they connect with friendly doctors, HIV/STI testing.
Direct link:
LGBT Military
... is union of the LGBT military, veterans and volunteers.
Direct link:

Jobs for Ukrainians

Hire refugees from Ukraine to help them rebuild their lives.
Direct link:
ScienceForUkraine (NGO)
... supports the Ukrainian academic community in surviving Russia’s war and to help ensure the continuity of Ukraine's science and strengthen its presence in the international science arena. Share available science positions for Ukrainian academics and students in your universities and laboratories.
Direct link:
Ukrainian Artists on FA. Warning: website contains NSFW.
... lists are constantly updating.
Direct link:

Other ways to help

Boycott products

picture with companies, that haven't left russian market another picture with companies, that haven't left russian market
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